it can be done

Dominik Schwarz

I am launching a new type of start-up and am looking for
co-founders, colleagues, freelancers, service providers, peers, supporters, curious minds,

I’ve spent countless hours thinking about how to build work environments that create more energy than they consume.

I strongly believe there are a few main drivers, core principles, and ideas that enable such an environment. Many of them are listed as thoughts on this page.

We are all exceedingly more effective in an environment that serves people - and not vice versa. For founders who want to achieve something exceptional, the first business duty is to unlock the full potential of everyone involved.

This is a manifesto of the work environment I invite you to create and develop together

  • in a start-up yet to be launched,
  • with a business model yet to be chosen,
  • in a market yet to be discovered.

Sounds interesting?
Let’s get this started together.

It can be done.

Signature Dominik Schwarz

Dominik Schwarz

17 Thoughts on the Culture of Our Future Start-up

We’re starting something new. It’s the perfect moment to think first about the “how” and only then define the “what” of our work.

Purposefully defining rules, razors and principles will make the culture of our start-up different. The following 17 thoughts are our guiding rails, not dogmas.

Putting A Dent Into the Universe.

We’re up to something meaningful. Whatever we decide to do, we aim to be the world’s best at it. Period. We want to push the boundaries of what’s possible and proudly go where no one else has gone before.

No Jerks. Ever.

We hire for 1. culture fit, 2. smartness, and 3. skillset. Always and exclusively in that order. The economic and social cost of people who are bad for our teams is generally vastly underestimated. A single disruptor - loud, unreliable, mansplaining, etc. - can bring down a whole team of outstanding people. The supposed efficiency gains »brilliant assholes« bring are a lie anyway. Enough of that. We never compromise on the people we spend most of our awake time with.

Our Most Precious Resource: Time.

Work fills all the time we give it, says Parkinson. Work always needs more time than initially estimated - says everyone who ever worked on a project. The scarcest one of our resources, time, is too important to be dealt with carelessly. We refuse to enter the deadly cycle of jumping from missed deadline to missed deadline. Instead, we put firm time limits on everything we want to do. Call it defining appetite. Call it whatever. The point is: We might adjust the scope of what we do, but we won’t get lost in running late on everything.

We Love Swabian Frugality.

Necessity is the mother of invention, and creativity results from deliberate limits. We’re intentionally frugal wherever we can to be able to be generous where we want it to be. It’s right. It’s fair. It’s sustainable.

We’re Building on the Shoulders of Giants.

There are very few thoughts others haven’t already thought before us, and there are very few problems others haven’t solved before us. We’re standing on the shoulders of giants, gratefully building upon others’ work. We shape, apply, and modify. We acknowledge: We stretch to do what's never been done before.

We Do It for Purpose.

Purpose is a strained word. Purpose is not a retreat in Bali. Purpose is having sold a result of your work that improves your customer’s life. Purpose is a genuine smile on a Zoom call and an exceeded expectation. A stable and secure income to rely on. It is a stressful phase but with an end date. A benevolent space to fail and grow again. The moment you add the last puzzle piece. Purpose is the warm feeling of having achieved something you never thought you‘d ever be able to. Purpose is a Sunday night you‘re not thinking about work - or if you do, it just feels good.

Revising What Has Been Revised.

Our mantra is Do. Revise. Create something. Do it all over again. Never settle with version one. Revise. Do not settle with version two. Revise. Do not let your pride in the effort you put into something prevent you from creating something better. Revise. And every hundred iterations, look back. Be impressed by your growth. Smile. Burn down what you achieved. And go again. Do. Revise. Do. Revise.

We’re proud to say “I Don’t Know Yet”.

One should be scared of people with immediate answers to complex problems. Innovation requires deep thinking, and depth requires time. Only moving along the beaten path may be quick. Our strength is admitting the question marks in moments when we intentionally leave behind the known.

It’s All in A Story.

The powers of a well-told story can change just about anything. Stories stick. Stories engage. Stories sell. We study the ingredients and rhythms of good stories and aim to become the best storytellers in our space.

Discipline Is Not a Dirty Word.

Making promises without being able to keep them. Complying with an unreasonable request because it’s easier than going into a rough discussion. Not sticking to an agreement because nobody else speaks up in a meeting either. The root cause for degrading company culture is a lack of discipline in sticking to your own principles. It’s the understandable wish to avoid short-term pain, delaying it to an undefined moment far away. We want to do better, so we hold each other accountable.

People > Ideas.

The team is always more important than the idea. A great team with a bad idea can turn around and pivot into something extraordinary. However, a great idea with a mediocre team will end up with nothing meaningful.

We Go First.

We are the first ones to make a start. The first to follow up. The first ones to offer help and speak up. The first ones to move. The first to enter undiscovered territory. Because the world belongs to the ones who move first.

(Self)Restrictions Means Freedom.

When everything’s an option, nothing is. We unlock creativity, productivity, and delivery by defining what we will not do. Ruling out possibilities early on creates clarity and room for what matters.

We Don’t Wait for Perfect Conditions.

We acknowledge that there will never be perfect timing, enough resources, or an ideal environment. We go anyway.

No Work-Life Balance.

We do not believe in an ideology where you need to balance supposedly lousy conditions at work with “life”. We believe in a company structure that gives each employee so much personal responsibility, flexibility, and autonomy that working hours are neither toxic nor in need of an antidote. We don’t revere overtime. We believe in clear cuts and the value of being truly offline when off work.

The Right Type of Growth.

We aim for exponential growth. Exponential growth in joy of use of our product. In innovation. In quality. In clients. In revenue. Not exponential growth in employees, titles, hierarchy, or venture capital debt. We will achieve our goals because we are lean and frugal, not despite of this fact. The restrictions we impose on ourselves unleash the creativity to achieve disproportionately more.

Companies Ship Their Org-Chart.

How a company is structured is reflected in the products they ship. One can spot the mega-corp or the indy hacker behind a software tool. The innovation leader or the dinosaur when calling a hotline. The hostile stakeholders of different departments on a screen interface brimming with uselessness and confusing beigeness. We are well aware: The success of what we build starts with how we build it.

13 Thoughts on Our Future Business

While culture enables us to achieve outstanding things together, culture alone doesn’t earn money. The opportunity to truly live our culture and thrive depends on the business environment we choose for our start-up: the market, the economics of our business model, and its characteristics. Here are 13 thoughts to help us make sensible business decisions.

We Start With Demand.

The business we build will radically focus on demand as the starting point. We will only then continue by thinking about supply. Distribution and sales come last. Every inch of work on understanding our future client’s needs will get us a mile ahead in distribution.

We Will Never Be More Than 50 People.

The business we build can be run with 50 people. More people results in more vagueness and opacity. More people requires more layers of management. More people requires exponentially more alignment. Therefore, we operate as if there was a strict limit on the size of our team. Period.

We’re Not in Constant Alert Mode.

The viability of the business we build should never rely on answering an emergency call at three a.m. Even the possibility of such calls - that might never materialize - is a soul-eating thing lurking in the background of our minds while we are off.

We’re Not Dependent on Permits.

The business we build will be able to succeed independently of external approval processes with open-ended timelines and uncertain regulation. Heavily regulated industries have different incentive structures and rhythms, incompatible with the pace of a start-up.

We Solve Problems We’re Excited About.

The business we build is about problems we care about. It operates in a space we’re genuinely interested in. A space with the depth of a rabbit hole and numerous unsolved, fascinating challenges.

We Do Not Optimize for Exit.

The business we build has many potential futures. While an exit at some point may be one of many options, this possibility must not dictate everything. We will build a sustainable, profitable business prepared for various futures.

We Run a High-Margin Business.

The business we build comes with a margin, allowing us to breathe. We avoid the pitfalls of a B2C mass market. We avoid the second and third-tier effects of having an outrageous amount of individual customers.

We Charge Early for Everything.

The business we build measures user satisfaction in recurring payments. The most important successful user test is a received payment - and this goes in particular for the early days: If someone isn’t willing to pay a tiny amount of money for an early-stage product, they won’t spend big on the later-stage products.

We Create a Moat.

The business we build can create a clear moat. A moat wide enough to distance ourselves from competitors gives us at least one innovation cycle, allowing us to be our own disruptors.

We Create Something That Makes the World a Little Better.

The business we build might not save the world, but it will surely make it a little better. We don’t do harm, ever.

We Work With Clients We Like.

The business we build will naturally adopt the rhythm, style, and characteristics of our target customer group over time. Who we serve will severely impact who we will be down the road. We will therefore choose our clients wisely.

We Choose a Space Without Platform Dependencies.

The viability of the business we build will not depend on a single platform or monopoly. We aim to identify potential and actual chokeholds early on and avoid them.

We Choose the Right Money at the Right Time.

The business we build will need money. Institutional equity capital has made fantastic companies possible. But it comes at a price, and the dynamics change with the first VC Euro you take. While nothing is inherently wrong with this route, leaving the beaten path is more rewarding. Long-term value investors, debt, and other non-venture capital forms of financing can come with different constraints and freedoms. A choice to be made wisely, on our own terms.

Join the Journey

There are two ways to join us:

Co-create the Journey

Have my thoughts resonated with you in any way? What would you like to add or discuss? Let’s talk!

You’re ready to build something and consider doing so together as co-founders?


You’re a developer, designer, or any other very online person ready to build something?


You’re angel investor willing to place an unusual bet?

This page exists so we can get in touch.

Follow the Journey

Here’s the deal: If you’re not ready to join our venture as a co-founder or co-worker but still think we’re on to something great, I invite you to become an official supporter. It’s a membership plus a monthly newsletter plus a handshake agreement.

The Membership

It’s free, plus you’ll receive free surprise swag. For whatever we will build, registered supporters from the pre-launch phase will benefit from friends & family pricing and regular ultra-special deals. Yay!

The Newsletter

We will share our reflections and learnings from this unique endeavor monthly. A first-hand report of what works and what doesn’t - and how we deal with either.

The handshake agreement

We’ll ask you for help along the way. Everybody has a talent, an experience, a learning, or a contact we will need at some point. When this time has come, we trust in you.


That’s me

Hi! 👋 I am Dominik M. Schwarz, and this is my application to be your future co-founder, team member, manager, business partner, investment, and/or internet friend.

My strengths:

  • Strategy & Vision
  • Building & Scaling
  • Product & Marketing

What I have been up to so far

10+ years of (top) management experience in start-ups & grown-ups · ex. C-Level of publicly traded tech company· Achieved 300m+ Euro GBV Revenue via SEO· Building websites since 1998· Made it to the hackernews/Reddit Front Door repeatedly.· MBA in Digital Business & Innovation from Middlesex University, London· Regular Conference Speaker and Podcast Guest

You can find an exhaustive self-portrait and some very kind words about me from people I admire at:

One of the questions I really have been thinking about a long time:

Why Can’t We Have Nice Digital Products?


How we work is the most crucial question. It is even more important than what we work on.

How we work is how we spend our lives. How we work defines how much energy and joy we experience. How we work can enable us to put a dent into the universe.

The world is changing, and while it always has been this way, it has been spinning just a little faster lately. The centrifugal forces of technological change have already increased pressure, breaking up the old ways of doing things.

Now is the time to not only do new things but also to do them differently.

It can be done.

Speaking of Support:

Gift me a comment on LinkedIn, an intro to a journalist if you can, or an email to a friend who could enjoy this page. Or just say hi! It would mean the world to me. <3